St. Stella's Matric Higher Secondary School – Anjugramam



Dr.P.JOHN WILSON B.Sc., M.A., Doctorate (Hons)


Every child is born as a closed book. Each and every page of that book is unique. The matter inside it is revealed only when somebody opens and reads it carefully. The parent is the first one obliged to do this duty. When either the parent or the teacher fails to open some pages that student will be labelled as ignorant . Today more focus is laid by the government to protect the children and their rights. Education is said to be the basic right of the child.

A good education is more than a school curriculum. It is a way of life and it begins when we are born and will continue well beyond formal schooling.

The school is the temple of learning where the child through personal formation is led into life in the society. True formation of an individual consists in a constant conversion of heart, where one grows up as a citizen of a nation ready to knit together the media of art, culture, religion, literature and science into a sublime sentiment of patriotism.

Let our education move from school curriculum to life, from knowledge to wisdom, from competition to cooperation, from division to unity, from selfishness to generosity and finally from how to make a living to how to live.