St. Stella's Matric Higher Secondary School – Anjugramam
Our kindergarten language arts curriculum provides a balance of reading and writing readiness skills. Reading is taught through a variety of approaches that recognize students’ learning and introduce the structure and comprehension of increasingly complex text. Children are encouraged to write daily. At first their writing consists of primitive words with simple drawings. Later in the year, they progress to words string together to form more complex stories.
The kindergarten EVS curriculum is taught through a hands-on program that encourages investigation, purposeful thinking and problem solving. The three major content areas are: life science, earth and space science and physical science.
The kindergarten creative arts curriculum encourages discovery, inquiry and wonder. Art projects are presented throughout the year which help students use their developing powers of intuition, reasoning, imagination and dexterity to create unique forms of expression and communication. Attitudes towards citizenship and social responsibility are emphasized.
The music curriculum offers children the opportunity to learn about experience and appreciate all types of music.
The physical Education curriculum helps students develop gross and fine motor skills while learning about sportsmanship and cooperation through a variety of team oriented and individual activities.